ACMT at 2024 NACCT in Denver, Colorado

Submission Deadline:
June 3, 2024

CPC Submission Deadline: June 3, 2024

The American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) is proud to announce the 25th Clinical Pathological Case Presentation Competition (or CPC) in association with North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT) annual toxicology conference in Denver, Colorado. The CPC competition is expected to be scheduled the evening of Friday, September 20th (the second pre-symposium day).

We are asking for challenging poisoning cases, prepared in a format suitable to present as an unknown to another CPC participant. In return, you will be given a similarly vexing case with which to generate a differential diagnosis, educate the audience, and hopefully also to solve. Out of all submissions received, an ACMT educational sub-committee will choose the top three cases for the CPC competition.

ACMT will be happy to accept CPC case submissions from outside of Toxicology Fellowship programs. Cases may be submitted by any academic toxicology mentor/mentee pairing, as long as the senior member (CPC Case Discussant) in this relationship is an ACMT physician member who has an academic supervisory role in relation to the junior member (CPC Case Presenter). Thus, the senior member will be an Attending Physician in a Toxicology Fellowship and/or a Residency program proximate to toxicology, and the junior member will be a Fellow or a Resident. Although it is likely that participating junior members will be from Tox, EM, Peds, or Occ Med, they can represent any specialty so long as they are a working with an ACMT member and they are submitting a Tox case.

How to Apply 

To submit your case, read the following guidelines and submit the submission form to Jeff Suchard at Submission Deadline: June 3, 2024.

Submitted cases of good quality will be accepted and confirmed for the competition as they are received, so your early submission is encouraged. We look forward to receiving your case.