ACMT’s ANTIDOTE Institute Receives NIDA Funding

Stephanie Carreiro, MD, FACMT
ToxInnovation Lab, UMass

Peter Chai, MD, FACMT
Chai Lab, Hardvard Medical School

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that on May 1st, 2023, the ANTIDOTE programa collaborative effort between ACMT, the ToxInnovation Lab (UMASS), and the Chai Lab (Harvard Medical School), was granted funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) through an R25 mechanism.

Initiated in 2021, this program aims to support junior toxicologists in building research careers and assembling grants. This new, four-year NIDA grant will expand the ANTIDOTE opportunity from a one-year to a two-year program. It will also integrate diversity and equity efforts to increase the diversity of medical toxicologists, and will provide seed funding for ANTIDOTE fellows to conduct formative research.

Congratulations to co-PIs Stephanie Carreiro, MD, FACMT (UMass) and Peter Chai. MD, FACMT (Brigham and Women’s Hospital) as well as ACMT staff including Alison Meyn and Paul Wax. MD, FACMT who participated in drafting the proposal. Also special thanks to ACMT member Alex Manini. MD, for guidance and mentorship through this process.