Message From ACMT President, Louise Kao, MD, FACMT
Dear Members,
At the conclusion of an excellent NACCT in San Francisco, words cannot fully express how much I enjoyed meeting in person again. From the rigorous educational discussions of current toxicologic issues, to networking and socializing with friends from all over the world, I am reminded of how much I value and respect our toxicology community and the bonds and missions we share.
I am looking forward to seeing many of you in San Diego at the ACMT 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting & Symposia March 29 - April 2. Registration opens Monday, October 3rd and early bird rates are in effect until Thursday, February 16th. The deadline to submit an abstract for the Meeting is fast approaching - November 15th. We are pleased to announce that for the first time we will present TWO pre-meeting symposia in 2023! In addition to the ACMT Pre-Symposium "Self-Harm, Suicidality, and the Poisoned Patient: The Intersection of Toxicology and Mental Health" on March 30th, we are delighted to announce that the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT) will be joining us with their own half-day Pre-Symposium "DEI in Toxicology: What it Means for Patients and Learners" on March 29th!
Please note that the ACMT Medical Toxicology Foundation (MTF) is providing travel awards to help fund attendance at this meeting for medical students and residents, with applications due November 1st.
I realize many of us are busy recruiting the next class of medical toxicology fellows and once again I am very impressed by the caliber of applicants. We continue to offer many opportunities for Fellows to become involved in ACMT activities and initiatives including the Medical Toxicology in Industry Elective, and the Open Mic, Shark Tank, and Case Panel presentations for ASM. Application deadlines for all are December 15.
Fellowship Directors, please consider nominating your recent fellow graduates for the inaugural Charles E. Becker Medal for Outstanding Achievement as a Medical Toxicology Fellow. The late Dr Charles Becker was a pioneering leader in establishing our specialty and desired to recognize an outstanding fellow each year who merits early career recognition for contributions to the field.
ACMT has been very busy improving member experience with the rollout of several new systems. The new ACMT Learning Center is a searchable, one-stop-shop for all educational content including courses, webinars, podcasts, and enduring materials. Our new Member Center is a hub for all your membership, committee and section needs, and the access point to the Journal of Medical Toxicology. New easy to navigate websites are in the works for ACMT, MTF, and ToxIC, with an estimated launch in late October.
This November, ACMT will have a Board of Directors election with 4 open spots to fill and many excellent candidates.I encourage all members to be on the lookout for your ballot and help determine the incoming Directors and future leaders of the College.
Thank you all for the opportunity to work with such outstanding members and staff on our many programs and initiatives. I look forward to an ever expanding and hopeful future for ACMT.
Have a wonderful fall season!

President, American College of Medical Toxicology
American College of Medical Toxicology
10645 N. Tatum Blvd., Suite 200-111
Phoenix, Arizona 85028