Distinguished Fellows of the American College of Medical Toxicology (DFACMT)

DFACMT Certified Members of the College

The DFACMT designation recognizes Fellows of the College who have demonstrated exceptional contributions to medical toxicology and distinguished service to the American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT). This esteemed membership affiliation signifies a higher threshold of achievement beyond the criteria for FACMT.

Candidates for DFACMT are evaluated by the Membership Committee based on their exemplary involvement in the field of medical toxicology and their exceptional service to ACMT. Upon meeting these elevated standards, the Membership Committee recommends qualified candidates to the Board of Directors for approval.

This distinguished category provides recognition to those who surpass the rigorous standards of fellowship and reflect the highest ideals of the College.


Applicants must:


Candidates for DFACMT must demonstrate outstanding achievements in the following areas:

  1. Service to the College – Demonstrated exceptional commitment and service to ACMT
  2. Minimum of two additional contributions to the field in the following areas:
    • Clinical practice
    • Research
    • Teaching and mentorship
    • Public service

Application Process

The application process for DFACMT does not require a nomination and is initiated by the member. Steps include:

  1. Submit Application: Complete the application by the posted deadline.
  2. Provide Documentation: Detail contributions that demonstrate exceptional service to the College and other areas of distinction.
  3. Letters of Recommendation: Submit two letters of recommendation from ACMT members. At least one letter from a current DFACMT member is encouraged but not required.
  4. Committee Review: Applications will be reviewed by the Membership Committee. Approval requires a two-thirds majority vote of the Committee members present.
  5. Board Approval: Upon Committee recommendation, the Board of Directors will review and provide final approval.

Announcement and Recognition

Approved DFACMT members will be recognized at the ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting. It is expected that new distinguished Fellows attend the meeting where their status is announced.


Applications for the brand-new 2026 cycle will open in July of 2025 and close on September 1, 2025.